By definition, Zemanta is the world’s first multi-channel demand-side platform built for post-click engagement. It is more to Zemanta than just finding related articles and positioning advertisers in a competitive field when searching for an audience. It is said to reach the highest user retention, and to go a mile further than any other DSP. Zemanta is not about surviving the new age, but taking advertisers a whole new level up.
On a simple note, Zemanta is your friend in advertising, who is holding your hand in advertising and taking you two steps at a time without turbulence. It is advertising with a human touch.
What separates Zemanta’s DSP system is its algorithm. It has a crystal bowl, predicts events, and takes your business to the future.
Its native ads are not coming out aggressively. They appear in just the right places. They do not interrupt your reading experiences as pop-ups usually do, it doesn’t think of interrupting your video content with its ads as all other traditional digital advertising parties. And only this is enough to say – thank you.
It already has many success stories, but one of the most successful ones is one about deploying over six hundred articles across various devices and managing to lower CPC and bounce rate substantially.
The best time to have Zemanta stepping into your business is the mid-funel phase. At that point, your company, your values, and your products are already something that is known and familiar to your users, but they are still thinking you over, exploring, evaluating, and about to enter the decision process. Zemanta pushes them mildly towards your direction. They don’t even notice.
It is not enough to leave the quality of your product to speak for itself. Any and every product needs it, spokesperson. And it is you, your company. Do make sure that the information that you display on your digital media is of the greatest quality. And this is not negotiable.
Two questions lay before you today: why are you just reading about Zemanta, and why Zemanta isn’t part of your digital strategy already? No need to answer. Just go after it!