Nearly a decade has passed since Google Instant was initially introduced. According to Google’s Marissa Mayer, who oversaw the project, it was a “major shift in search.” It was widely reported that the technology had created many headlines since it allowed people to acquire the information they wanted even faster.
Users spent between 2 and 5 seconds each query with Google’s Instant Search tool. It becomes evident why such innovation was significant when applied to the millions of Google searches that take place each month.
As users typed their questions and inquiries into Toolbar, suggested searches results would appear, enabling people to obtain the solutions they needed without needing to complete typing.
If you use Google Instant Search instead of the search suggestions, you’ll notice a noticeable difference. No matter what device a user is using, when they start typing into the search bar, they will get a recommendation query that they may click on to get their results.
Instant Search Feature for the UK
The instant search tool was not helpful for us. In order to use it, we, the UK citizens, had to log in to our accounts, and even then, the instant tool did not show the results we needed. If a citizen of the United Kingdom wants to utilize Google’s instant search feature, they must first log into their account, and even then, it is possible that you will not discover what you are looking for. Being logged in to your account means that research results for you are personalized, and they depend on your history that Google has saved. Other people will not be able to see the results you see on Google. How does it feel?
Even though you may have typed in the keyword for your website, what you see in the search results is not your website link but the links to other websites. This is not good. This means that no one will visit your website due to this. This is indeed a significant disadvantage. Only if you type in the address of your website will Google in the United Kingdom direct you to your website.
By including a keyword related to your website, you will not be able to see it in the search results. For example, your store specializes in ladies’ accessories. You search for ladies’ accessories online on Google using Google Instant Search, but your site does not appear in the results. Why is this? You have access to other people’s websites. Google is not that helpful as it pretends to be. It isn’t true to its code of conduct.
Instant Search Feature Will be Removed
Google has decided to remove this feature because it no longer provides actual value to users. Google may have chosen to shut it down due to the surge in mobile devices, and people do not need the instant search feature on mobiles, but for us UK dwellers, instant search has been useless, not showing the results we desired to see.