The Conservative party’s official blog announced their campaign under an interesting naming – Cash Gordon. In some ends of the digital world, it is said that it was bought off from an anti-healthcare-reform, previous property of some US campaign company.
The Cash Gordon campaign was encouraging its voters and supporters to donate and promote the campaign over their networks. At the same time, it was very loud as opposing the Prime Minister for his connections to the Unite union.
Campaign headquarters was built around Facebook connect. It was announced that the site cost was $15,000. A rather costly one, I’d say. Now let’s talk about efficiency.
It has been taken down, though. It is giving out content related to education and schooling now.
But at first, whenever you entered into your browser, you were redirected to The website itself was covered by unmoderated Tweets, and it was accepting code that left the page unprotected, under rocket-fire of hackers and malware redirections.
Whoever was the one that bought or rented the Cash Gordon site made a rather unpopular decision to leave tweets and hashtags completely unmoderated. The situation escalated from unfavorable tweets and dirty words to porn hack, and a vivid image of Dave Cameron dear. No filters on anti-Tory content, no filters on the words like crap or shit, no filters on porn hub content.
Whatever was the attention when this website was bought or rented, I am not sure was it worthwhile. (As a matter a fact, I am sure that it is not worth it, but for the sake of the text – let’s leave me out of the sight at this point.) I am not all for that saying that anti-campaign is also a sort of campaign. Can’t imagine any favorable outcome out of the campaign that involved so much anti-conservative content via Tweets and media coverage. Is it possible that Conservatives could not afford digital content someone who would take care of their public image over digital media? Is it possible that they just left things be?
What do you think – do the Conservatives still allow unmoderated content on their digital media?