Vodafone has been the first company to post an unmoderated hashtag feed on its website. If you use #mademesmile, tweets about them not paying enough tax are published.
See! It’s quickly turning into a car crash as more people take advantage of this new feature – whether they want information that is just rumors or truth from those who work there – and publish anything without thinking twice before reading what’s being said online.
Recent Update: They took it down. There’s just an ample white space where the Vodafone feed used to be on their website. But now, it’s back again live on their website with so many updates (that it was trending on number 1 in London’s Twitter) only a fraction gets through – or else they’re moderating 99% out with profanity filters like Web Purify and Tax Message Alert.
But while these automatically chop out tweets containing inappropriate words, this hasn’t worked against all tax messages either–-especially considering some people will write anything at all if you give them enough rope!